Monthly 10 Minute Challenge - April 2015
What makes you "you"?
Perhaps that question is a little vague. To be more specific, what internal and external forces have worked to shape your life and your accomplishments? Our current lives are the products of our past experiences and choices. No one that I know simply fell out of the sky and was instantly who they are today. Instead, every single person I know is reaping the rewards, or paying the consequences, for choices made in their past.
So, what about you? Have you ever thought about how you got to your current position in life?
Your Challenge
For April's 10 Minute Challenge, you will get the opportunity to know yourself a little better. Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese general famously said "If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." In this case, you are the enemy and yourself.
The enemy? In some ways, yes. You have made choices that have resulted in the success (or lack of success) that you currently enjoy. Most of us understand this at a subconscious level, but how often have you really sat down and talked to yourself about the past? If you're like me, not very often.
Why is it important for us to reflect on how the past has created our present? Because history repeats itself if we let it.
If you want more of what you have today, then you should identify the choices you made in the past and repeat them. Like flower seeds planted in the soil, our choices of today will eventually grow and bloom into our future. Likewise, if you made choices in the past that are holding you back from where you want to be professionally, personally, emotionally, spiritually, or financially, then it would benefit you to identify those past choices and ensure that you do not repeat them. Instead, plant yourself a more glorious and successful future!
An example to get you started
I don't usually do this, however this month I will show you the results of my ten minutes to better explain this month's challenge.
Things that have created my present:
- Supportive wife - my wife is unbelievably supportive about my work passion, ideas that seem crazy at the time, and allowing me to take our family around the world.
- Hard working mindset - When I first became a leader I vowed that I would work harder than everyone, and I would never ask an employee to do something that I hadn't or wouldn't do. Over time, this mindset has morphed into a deep rooted desire to work hard planting the seeds for the future.
- My 'yes' means 'yes', my 'no' means 'no' - I've not always been able to live up to this, but I try unbelievably hard to ensure that my 'yes' means 'yes and my 'no' means 'no'. If I commit to doing something then I do it. If I say I can't then it's for good reason and you are not going to change my position with pressure because my 'no' answer is based on solid reasoning. You do not need me to sign a contract to ensure I will follow through on a commitment because my 'yes' means 'yes'. For me, this is inspired by Biblical teaching, but it can be good, practical advice for anyone).
- Good bosses - I've been fortunate enough to work for several talented and empathetic managers. These people have taken an interest in me and my development. Much of my leadership style today is based on lessons I learned from them.
- Lack of risk taking - Now that I'm a father and a husband, I'm not much of a risk taker in my personal life. I look back at some of the professional career choices I've made in the past and my life could be different if I pushed for the next big challenging role or chose the job with the huge potential even though the future was risky. I think increased risk aversion is natural as you age and more people are counting on you, but still, I have to wonder if I've played it a little too safe?
That's it for me, now what about you? It only takes 10 minutes!
Take care, and I'll talk to you next time.
Image Credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures used under CC0 Public Domain
Related Reading
- Break Free of Your Routine and Give Yourself Room to Experiment
- The 3 Answers You Need to Break Free of the Incremental Change Trap
- Stop Lying to Yourself, We All Have the Same Amount of Time
- Seek out and Remove Your Productivity Kryptonite
- The Two Words You Use Everyday That Are Destroying Your Credibility